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I could tell you about all my accomplishments and the awesome things I have been blessed to do this lifetime (that is below), but I would rather tell you who I am.

Who I am is a child of a beautiful, loving divine God. Someone who with the help of the angels, Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit and by the example of our Lord Yeshua, spends my life sharing the Truth of who we are as divine being with others.

The sacred Truth of our true identity, our oneness, as the children and individual ideas of God is what I find the most uplifting and powerful message available to us today. The sweet splendor of God’s love and grace are what we can bring into our hearts, minds and souls to end karma, bring life to our bodies, and to heal the wounds that “separation” thoughts cause. I know in the depths of my soul that I am a beautiful, loving, divine spirit just like my Creator, and my life’s intention is to be that to the fullest here and now and to share that journey with whoever wants to join me. I am blessed each day to go deeper into Gods love for me, to know His infinite, eternal light, to hear His voice in my heart. I also know to that I am here to share all this wonder and glory with others.

There is a "Way” a path of teaching introduced to us by Yeshua and guided in his early life by the Essenes that I follow to “undo” as Mother Mary puts it, the thoughts of separation that hold us back from our Divine Identity. This is what I teach and share with others to help them know how loved and cherished they are by God the Father and to return to their/our true nature of love everlasting.

Thank you for being here and I hope in some way you will feel loved and inspired today!
In grace, Robin

"They will know you by your love for each other"

Robin Rose is a spiritual teacher, artist, minister and scribe for Mother Mary and is the author of Mother Mary and the Undoing Process. She has been blessed to experience visitations and communications with Mother Mary since she was 4 years old. Her love for the Holy Mother and our Beloved Christ Jesus is the foundation of her life and her life's mission, which is to bring truth, understanding and healing to others.

She is trained as a prayer healer through various worldwide ministries, foundations and prayer practices. She leads sacred journeys to places such as Lourdes (France), Glastonbury (England), Ireland, and Hawaii. These journeys are designed to bring deeper spiritual openness, awareness and connection through the Holy Spirit thus bringing healing to our heart, soul and Spirit. Everything Robin does is to bring us closer to God and our Identity as Spiritual beings.

She is an ordained minister and prayer chaplain, as well as a trained prayer healer through the Inter-national Healing Rooms Ministries. For almost two decades, Robin coordinated the longest running, internationally known Metaphysical/Holistic Health conference, Universal Lightworkers Conference/Spiritual Awakening Conference. She ran and organized retreats at the Avalon retreat center in Washington state.

She also has extensive training in metaphysics, is a Reiki Master, and is certified in many natural healing arts. Robin has a degree in Parapsychology and an Art Degree from Monet School of Art and was the art director for Whole Self Times. She has owned several spiritual bookstores and centers and co-founded a global environmental sustainability network.